The new dimension of information explosion, everyone can become an in fluencer.DNA absorbs the nutrients of freedom, avant-garde and independence, and puts them Become your own unique declaration, made by me,this is the attitude of influencers we respect.


MADE BY ME [ 2 ]


MADE BY ME is a brand collection store, serving CHXXXL/IAMNOT/HXXXXS/LILY MLLE and other brands.The interface style is mainly simple and individual, and the LOGO design continues the company's previous simplicity and high recognition.

MADE BY ME为一家品牌集合店,主服务于CHXXXL / IAMNOT / HXXXXS/LILY MLLE等品牌,界面风格以简约个性为主,在LOGO的设计上延续了公司以往直白及高辨识