• Quote a sentence from the  Animator's Survival - "Don't do what the camera can do, do what the camera can't do", for me, painting is creation, expression, and even a close friend.

Blue dora is a carrier of confusion and sadness. She has been looking for the answer to "am I blue?" all her life. She is very confused ——"Because I was born blue so I feel blue, or because I often feel blue so i am blue?"

Blue dora是一个迷茫与悲伤的载体,ta的一生都在找寻“am I blue?”的答案,ta很困惑——“因为我生来是蓝色所以会感到悲伤,还是因为我常常感到悲伤所以是蓝色?”


As we grow up, we are often unable to truly express ourselves because of various scruples, and gradually put on a mask of hypocrisy, which makes us numb and even lose the ability to perceive our own emotions. When laughing is no longer happy, when crying is no longer representing sadness, but performing impromptu performances with scenes and objects, everyone has finally become a "qualified adult" accepted by society, but they don't know that childlike sincerity is the most precious and requires the most courage.


Some are drawn when bored, there is no meaning at all, just to pass the time, share fun with friends.


愛人有新歡 [ 1 ]


Love and betrayal. Traditional Chinese families often choose to ignore or forgive one party after cheating out of concerns about their children and reputation. However, divisions and conflicts will be buried as a result, and will continue to erupt in the future. The work is inspired by a strong and independent grandma, who bravely resisted the injustice she encountered in her marriage in the era when women had no voice.


FOR WORK [ 2 ]


When serving Aiwolv and Lily mlle, the illustrations drawn according to the brand tonality and positioning groups were printed into posters and Valentine's Day themed packaging.

服务于Aiwolv及Lily mlle时所绘制的插画,以品牌调性及定位群体为,分别印制成海报及情人节主题包装。